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3 Methods to Practice Clematis

3 Methods to Practice Clematis

Katie Gohman

Co-authored by:

professional gardener

This article was co-authored by Katie Gohman. Katherine Gohman is a Professional Gardener in Texas. He is a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008. This article has been viewed 61,740 times.

Co-author: 9

Updated: April 25, 2023

Scene: 61,740

article summaryX

With a little time and effort, clematis plants can be actively trained to grow on almost any wall or fence! Clematis plants need 6 hours of sunlight a day, so you should choose a sunny location. To start, you’ll need to plant the clematis in a hole at the base of any climbing structure you want to grow it on and add an organic fertilizer to help it grow. Be sure to water it regularly during the first growing season, as young clematis plants require more water. As it gets taller, use bell eye screws to tie the stem to a support or wall. Alternatively you can use wire mesh or bird netting for support. To learn how to support your own clematis, read more from our gardening co-writer!

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