Home Social Media Tips on how to Draw a Dolphin: 14 Steps (with Photos)

Tips on how to Draw a Dolphin: 14 Steps (with Photos)

Tips on how to Draw a Dolphin: 14 Steps (with Photos)

wikiHow Staff

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wikiHow Staff Writer

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers verify articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow’s content management team carefully monitors the work of our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by reliable research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 406,077 times.

Co-author: 55

Updated: April 18, 2023

Scene: 406,077

article summaryX

To make the dolphin, start by drawing a curved line that looks like a cursive lowercase r for the dolphin’s back. Starting with the hook at the top right of the original line, draw a U shape that will be the face. Next, match the top right edge of the U to the bottom of the first row to make the dolphin’s belly. Then, add a triangular dorsal fin on the back and a boomerang shape on the bottom to make the tail fin. Finally, draw the flippers for the face and another U shape inside the dolphin’s body to make the eyes and mouth. Keep reading for tips on getting the dolphin body shape right!

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