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tips on how to create pdf recordsdata

tips on how to create pdf recordsdata

An easy to follow guide to convert Word files to PDF or use a web browser to create a PDF

Creating a PDF file is a great way to share your ideas and ensure they can’t be changed without leaving an electronic footprint. There are several ways to create a PDF file, and all of them are fairly quick and easy. This wikiHow teaches you 4 different ways to create a PDF.

[Edit]things you should know

  • Using a Word document to create a PDF is easiest because the application has built-in PDF tools.
  • In Word on PC or Mac, go to “File > Save As” and select “PDF” as the file type or format, then click “Export” or “Save.”
  • You can also use a web browser to save the PDF in the print dialog by selecting “Save as PDF” instead of the printer.


[Edit]create pdf from word doc on pc

  1. Open your document in Microsoft Word. The app looks like a blue rectangle with a “W”.
    Create PDF File Step 1 Version 7.jpg
    • If you don’t already have a document, you can create a file in Word to convert to PDF.
  2. Click. It’s in the ribbon above the editing space in the document.
    Create PDF Files Step 2 Version 7.jpg
  3. Click. You’ll see this in the menu on the left side of the screen.
    Create PDF Files Step 3 Version 7.jpg
    • Instead of saving PDF to .docx, you can choose save as instead.
  4. Select under the “Save as type” drop-down. It’s near the bottom of the menu.
    Create PDF File Step 4 Version 7.jpg
  5. Click. You now have a PDF version of the Word document, but if you want to make changes to it, open the “.docx” or “.doc” version and make your changes before saving it as a PDF again.[1]
    Create PDF File Step 5 Version 7.jpg

[Edit]create pdf from word doc on mac

  1. Open your document in Microsoft Word. You’ll find this app in the Applications folder in the Finder.
    Create PDF File Step 6 Version 7.jpg
  2. Click. You’ll see this option in the Apple menu at the top of your screen.
    Create PDF File Step 7 Version 7.jpg
  3. Click. you can also press shift + cmd + s,
    Create PDF Files Step 8 Version 7.jpg
  4. choose . It’s an option at the bottom of the Save As menu. Click the arrow to see more formatting options.
    Create PDF File Step 9 Version 7.jpg
    • Give your file a name if it doesn’t already have one.
  5. Click. This blue button is in the lower-right corner of the window and will save the file as a PDF.[2]
    Create a PDF File Step 10 Version 6.jpg

[Edit]use web browser

  1. Navigate to the page you want to save as PDF. You can use any web browser on PC or Mac to do this.
    Create PDF Files Step 11 Version 6.jpg
    • This is the easiest and best way to save a webpage as PDF. You’ll need to repeat this process for all the different pages in the site you want to save, such as for a About Me And Contact Page. Once you have individual PDFs for them, you can merge them in a number of ways.
  2. Press (Windows) or (Mac). This will open the Print menu.
    Create a PDF File Step 12 Version 6.jpg
  3. Select “Save as PDF” from the drop-down. If you’re using Windows, you’ll see this option under the “Printers” menu. You’ll see a “Save as PDF” option under the “Local destination” heading on a Mac.
    Create PDF File Step 13 Version 6.jpg
  4. Click. The page will be saved as a PDF and your file manager may open so that you can choose where to save it.[3]
    Create PDF Files Step 14 Version 6.jpg

[Edit]Using Online Converter on PC or Mac

  1. Find a reliable online converter. Browse the Internet to find free and effective PDF converters. A reliable converter is https://tools.pdf24.org/en/create-pdf
    Create PDF File Step 15 Version 6.jpg
    • You can also go to https://www.adobe.com/acrobat/features/create-pdf.html and use the free trial to create PDFs with Adobe Reader.
  2. or click Any Converter will give you the option to browse through your files to select the ones you want to add to the PDF.
    Create a PDF File Step 16 Version 6.jpg
  3. Select or do as many files as you want. Most online converters will limit you to three files at a time.
    Create a PDF File Step 17 Version 6.jpg
    • Some offer a paid “Plus” service that will allow you to add up to 50 files!
  4. Click. Wait for the file to convert to PDF. This may take a few minutes, especially if you have many files. When the process is finished, you will be told that your files are ready to be downloaded.
    Create a PDF File Step 18 Version 6.jpg
  5. Download your converted files. Click on the files and wait for them to download.
    Create PDF Files Step 19 Version 6.jpg
  6. Save them on your computer. You have completed the creation of PDF files.
    Create PDF Files Step 20 Version 6.jpg


  • Always save the file even if you have saved the PDF file. Editing is usually easier.
  • Links in text will not work in PDF format, so be sure to type the entire URL (https://something.com) rather than linking to the text (creating a hyperlink).
  • If you don’t have Word, you can use OpenOffice instead.
  • If you already have a file on your computer, you can easily convert it to PDF.
  • You can also add pictures to your PDF.

[Edit]Related wikiHows

  • save a pdf file
  • print pdf files
  • Convert Documents to PDF for Free (Windows)
  • convert a file to pdf


  1. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/save-or-convert-to-pdf-or-xps-in-office-desktop-apps-d85416c5-7d77-4fd6-a216-6f4bf7c7c110
  2. https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/save-or-convert-to-pdf-or-xps-in-office-desktop-apps-d85416c5-7d77-4fd6-a216-6f4bf7c7c110#ID0EBBH= Mac OS
  3. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/consumer-tools/save-as-pdf-instructions/


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