Home Social Media The way to Take care of Hermit Crabs: Housing, Provides, and Extra

The way to Take care of Hermit Crabs: Housing, Provides, and Extra

The way to Take care of Hermit Crabs: Housing, Provides, and Extra

Marshall Stephens

Co-authored by:

Aquarium Specialist

This article was co-authored by Marshall Stephens and wikiHow staff writer Eric McClure. Marshall Stephens is an aquarium specialist at the private Oceanic Aquarium in West Palm Beach, Florida. Marshall has over 20 years of experience in the aquarium industry and focuses on captive-bred animals. He is an expert in tropical and marine aquariums and a contributor to the Loggerhead Marine Life Center in Jupiter Florida. This article has been viewed 1,995,868 times.

Co-author: 279

Updated: April 5, 2023

Scene: 1,995,868

article summaryX

To properly care for hermit crabs, place them in a large tank with a layer of substrate in which to bury themselves. Hermit crabs are social, so you should have at least 3-4 animals in each tank. Keep the humidity in the tank at 75-85% and the temperature between 75° and 85°F. You should provide your crabs with extra shells, climbing toys, and places to hide. Place one dish with freshwater and one dish with saltwater in the tank, and feed your hermit crabs a varied diet of seafood, fruits, vegetables, and meats. For tips on keeping your substrate clean, read on!

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