Home Cryptocurrency How to Save Pictures from Instagram: 4 Easy Ways

How to Save Pictures from Instagram: 4 Easy Ways

How to Save Pictures from Instagram: 4 Easy Ways

Varsha Kengli

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wikiHow Technology Writer

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff Writer, Ren Kengli. Ren Kengli is a wikiHow technology writer. As storytelling enthusiasts with a passion for technology, they look forward to building long-lasting relationships with readers around the world. Varsha graduated from San Francisco State University with a BA in Cinema. This article has been viewed 5,165,357 times.

Co-author: 54

Updated: March 10, 2023

Scene: 5,165,357

article summaryX

1. You can use ToolZoo Instagram Downloader on computer, phone or tablet to save photos.
2. If you have Android then try Downloader for Instagram.
3. Reposter is an app for iPhone/iPad that lets you download photos.
4. Use the “Inspection” feature in Chrome to save the Instagram photos to your computer.
For more tips, including how to save a photo from Instagram on iPhone, keep reading!

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