Home Digital Marketing How to Make a Gift Bag (with Pictures)

How to Make a Gift Bag (with Pictures)

How to Make a Gift Bag (with Pictures)

wikiHow Staff

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Co-authors: 29

Updated: January 28, 2023

Points of view: 319,637

Article Summaryx

To make a gift bag, place a sturdy piece of paper on a solid, landscape-style surface and fold the top edge under. Then, fold the paper in toward the center to make a tube, and secure it with glue or tape. Then, unfold the top flap, glue the bottom flap, and press the top flap down. Fold the bottom edge over to make the bottom of your bag, open the pocket you created, and flatten it out. Finally, fold the two tabs at the bottom of the bag in toward the center and finish by securing the bottom with tape or glue. For tips on how to use cardboard to make a gift bag, keep reading!

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