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how to be a nanny

how to be a nanny

Skills, experience and training needed to become a childcare professional

Becoming a nanny is a great option for anyone who loves children and wants to be a little more involved than a babysitter. It’s hard work – you’ll be watching kids hours at a time, several days a week – but watching a child thrive under your care and attention is also incredibly rewarding. We’ll walk you through the experience and training you need, how to advertise your services, and how to find the right family for you.

[Edit]things you should know

  • Get certified in CPR and basic first aid. Also consider taking childcare classes or earning a degree in early childhood education.
  • Spend some time babysitting or volunteering at daycare to gain childcare experience.
  • Build a resume with your skills and experience, then create a profile on childcare sites like SitterCity or Care.
  • Interview potential clients and ask about their family lives to see if you’re a good fit as a nanny.


[Edit]Babysitter to gain experience.

  1. Watch someone else’s kids to see if the job is for you. Before you commit to a full-time nanny job, dip your toes into a career by babysitting or working at a daycare center. This will give you a better idea of ​​what it takes to become a childcare professional and add valuable experience to your resume.[1]
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    • Ask friends or family if they need help watching their kids, or volunteer at daycare to find your first gig.

[Edit]Get proper medical training.

  1. Get certified in CPR and first aid. Anyone working in childcare should be trained in basic first aid procedures. It shows that you are serious about safety and ready to act in case of emergency. Even if you never find yourself in a serious emergency while watching children, having the proper information gives both you and the parent peace of mind.[2]
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    • Contact your local Red Cross, YMCA, or even your local firehouse to inquire about first aid training sessions.

[Edit]Attend courses on childcare.

  1. Take childcare classes or earn a degree to add to your resume. While a degree is not required, parents are more likely to trust a nanny with a college education. An associate degree in early childhood education will allow you to major on basic childcare practices such as infant health and safety. It will also provide you with valuable practical experience.[3]
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    • Alternatively, childcare classes through the Red Cross or other organizations are a cheaper and more casual way to gain skills such as observing and monitoring children’s behavior outside the home.

[Edit]Write resume.

  1. Build a resume with your training and experience. A resume allows potential clients to review your skills and past experience at a glance. Write a resume and include any previous gigs, training and certification, volunteer experience, your availability, and a brief description on what you hope to accomplish as a nanny.[4]
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    • Also include the type of job you’re looking for, such as a live-in or travel position.


  1. Use word of mouth to find interested families. Let your friends, families and co-workers know that you are available to nanny. Even if they don’t need your services themselves, they may know someone who does and refer potential clients. Building a personal network like this may be essential to finding work.[5]
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    • Also print fliers or posters advertising your services and post them on your city’s community job boards.

[Edit]Sign up for childcare websites.

  1. Create profiles on childcare directories. Sites like CareCity and Care connect parents with childcare professionals. These are handy resources for finding and communicating with potential customers. Fill out your profile with a headshot, prior experience, and your own vision for nannying to let parents know what kind of nanny you are.[6]
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[Edit]Apply to nanny agencies.

  1. Join a nanny agency to find someone to find a job for you. Nanny Agency is a private group that connects babysitters with families. You’ll join a roster of qualified nannies, and a representative will do the hard work of connecting you with a great job.[7] Google local agencies and submit an application to join their ranks.
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    • You will often need to submit a headshot, resume, and statement of purpose, which is a brief description of your vision as a childcare specialist.

[Edit]Meet interested families.

  1. Meet the family before agreeing with the nanny. Every family is different, and it’s important to familiarize yourself with a potential client to see if they’re a good fit for yours. Meet the parents with their children in a public place, such as a park, where you can talk and get to know them.[8]
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[Edit]Wear practical clothes.

  1. Dress professionally to make a good impression. What you wear to the interview informs parents what kind of babysitter you are. To make the best impression, wear clean, modest, and practical clothing. Wear something that allows you a lot of movement and isn’t too revealing.[9]
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    • Slacks, sneakers, and a long-sleeved shirt or blouse are great choices for professional, practical clothing.

[Edit]Learn more about potential customers.

  1. Ask questions about the family to see if they are a good fit for you. How you interact with and treat children may not fit the ideas of some parents. Ask the parents what they expect from the nanny, what type of discipline they use, and if they have any religious affiliations that you should be aware of. All these will come into play if you decide to nanny for them. Some other questions to ask include:[10]
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    • Does their child have any medical conditions that you should know about?
    • Are there any relevant dietary restrictions in the household?
    • Are there unusual family dynamics you may have to navigate?
    • How will they handle any views you have on childcare that may conflict with their own?

[Edit]Negotiate a fair salary.

  1. Set your rates. Before you take on a client, decide how much you will charge for your services. Browse childcare directories like SitterCity and note how much other nannies charge in your area, then set your own hourly rate to a similar number.[11] Also consider the number of children you will be babysitting, their ages, and their needs. Negotiate a reasonable rate with any potential customers.
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    • For example, nannies in Salt Lake City often charge around $14 an hour, while New York City nannies charge around $21 an hour.
    • Set your rates above average to attract more affluent clients. Keep in mind that you may need additional qualifications, such as greater availability or the ability to tutor, to justify your prices.

[Edit]agree on a contract.

  1. Review and sign the nanny contract. A nanny contract specifies your rate, availability, expected duties and benefits. Use simple, clear language when writing contracts. Specify how long you will work each day, the length of your employment, and any conditions that might lead you to terminate the contract.[12] Then, agree on your starting date and start your nanny career!
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    • Terms of dismissal may include lack of pay, working overtime without negotiation, or an outright hostile environment.
    • If you are inexperienced, it is best [Contact-an-Attorney| hire an attorney] To help you write up a contract.
    • Some families may not require a contract, but it’s a good idea to protect your rights and clarify your responsibilities as a worker.


  1. https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/job-profiles/nanny
  2. [v161832_b01], 11 June 2021.
  3. https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/job-profiles/nanny
  4. https://career.berkeley.edu/prepare-for-success/resume/
  5. https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/childcare-options/how-to-hire-a-nanny.aspx
  6. https://www.whattoexpect.com/baby-products/baby-care/best-babysitter-services-and-apps/
  7. https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/childcare-options/how-to-hire-a-nanny.aspx
  8. https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/childcare-options/how-to-hire-a-nanny.aspx
  9. [v161832_b01], 11 June 2021.
  10. https://childcare.utah.edu/care-options/nanny-interview-questions.php
  11. https://www.whattoexpect.com/family/finances/how-much-pay-babysitter-nanny-cost/
  12. https://www.whattoexpect.com/family/finances/nanny-contract/


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