Home Tech 4 Ways to Make a Wire Ribbon Bow

4 Ways to Make a Wire Ribbon Bow

4 Ways to Make a Wire Ribbon Bow

wikiHow Staff

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Co-author: 10

Updated: January 28, 2023

Scene: 198,602

article summaryX

To make a basic bow with wired ribbon, cut a length of ribbon and find the center. Make 2 loops on either side of the center point, making sure both loops are pointing up. Cross the loops over each other, then under each other to form a knot in the middle. Gently pull on the loop to tighten the knot. Keep pulling and pulling the bow ends and tail ends to adjust their shape and size. If you like, trim the ends of the tails to make them look more elegant. To learn how to make a rose bow with wire ribbon, read on!

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