Home Computer 3 ways to tie friendship bracelets

3 ways to tie friendship bracelets

3 ways to tie friendship bracelets

wikiHow Staff

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Co-author: 9

Updated: January 28, 2023

Scene: 1,236,667

article summaryX

To tie a friendship bracelet with a looped end, fold the bracelet in half to make a loop before you begin weaving it. Tie a knot in the bracelet threads about 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the loop. Once you’ve finished weaving the bracelet, divide the remaining strands into two groups and braid each of them. Tie a knot at the end of each braid. To make the adjustable closure, lay the bracelet on a flat surface and fold the loop behind the knot at the top. You should now have two small loops. Squeeze them together like you’re closing the pages of a book. Pull the end of the braid through the two small loops, then pull on the other end of the bracelet to tighten the loops around the braid. Slide the braid in either direction through the loop to adjust the length of the bracelet. Keep reading to learn how to macrame the ends of your friendship bracelet together!

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