Home Computer 3 Methods to Repair Yellow Faucet Water

3 Methods to Repair Yellow Faucet Water

3 Methods to Repair Yellow Faucet Water

wikiHow Staff

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Co-author: 7

Updated: April 4, 2023

Scene: 167,534

article summaryX

If you see yellow water coming out of your tap, avoid drinking it until you figure out the cause. You may need to contact a plumber or your local water provider to find out if the problem is in your home or across town. If the problem is citywide, it may be sufficient to install a water filter in your home. If you are concerned about whether the water is safe to drink or not, you can also use a purifier. For yellow water caused by problems with the plumbing in your home, such as rusted pipes, you’ll probably need to bring in a specialist. Contact a reputable plumber in your area and ask them to help you find and fix the source of the problem. Read on for more tips on filtering water and replacing old plumbing!

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