To plant lavender in a pot, start with a 12- to 16-inch (30-40 cm) pot with drainage holes in the bottom. Cover the bottom of the pot with a 1 in (2.5 cm) layer of peanuts or gravel to improve drainage, then fill the rest of the pot one-third full with potting soil. Remove the lavender from its current pot and place the root ball in the center of the new pot. Next, loosely fill in the space around the root ball until it is covered on top. Broadcast a time-release fertilizer on top of the soil to help the lavender grow. You should also cover the top of the soil with a 2 in (5.1 cm) layer of white garden pebbles or turkey grain mulch, which will help prevent the plant’s roots and stems from rotting. Place your lavender plant in a bright, sunny location and water it when the soil is nearly dry. To learn how to fertilize and water lavender, keep reading!
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