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how to view source code

how to view source code

This wikiHow teaches you how to view a website’s source code, which is the code behind any website (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), on most common browsers. Except for the Safari trick, you cannot view the source code of a website when using a mobile browser.


[Edit]Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Internet Explorer

  1. Open your web browser. The process for viewing source code is the same on Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer.
    View Source Code Step 1 Version 6.jpg
  2. Navigate to a webpage. This must be a page whose source code you want to view.
    View Source Code Step 2 Version 6.jpg
  3. Right-click on the page. If you’re using a Mac computer with a one-button mouse, you can hold down and click instead. If you’re on a laptop with a trackpad, you can use two fingers to click the page instead. This will open a drop-down menu.
    View Source Code Step 3 Version 6.jpg
    • Do not right-click on a link or photo while doing this, otherwise the wrong menu will appear.
  4. or click Doing so will display your browser’s source code in a new window or at the bottom of the current window.
    View Source Code Step 4 Version 6.jpg
    • You’ll see view page source for chrome and firefox, and view source For Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.
    • You can also press (PC) or (Mac) to display the source code.


  1. Open Safari. It’s a blue, compass-shaped app.
    View Source Code Step 5 Version 5.jpg
  2. Click. It’s in the upper-left side of your Mac’s menu bar. Doing so opens a drop-down menu.
    View Source Code Step 6 Version 5.jpg
  3. Click. This option is in the middle of the drop-down menu.
    View Source Code Step 7 Version 5.jpg
  4. Click on the tab. It’s in the upper-right corner of the Preferences window.
    View Source Code Step 8 Version 5.jpg
  5. Check the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” box. This option is at the bottom of the Preferences window. you should see a develop The menu appears in your Mac’s menu bar.
    View Source Code Step 9 Version 5.jpg
  6. Navigate to a webpage. This must be a page whose source code you want to view.
    View Source Code Step 10 Version 5.jpg
  7. Click. it’s on the left side of the menu window menu in your Mac’s menu bar.
    View Source Code Step 11 Version 5.jpg
  8. Click. It’s at the bottom of the drop-down menu. Clicking this option will prompt Safari to display the source code of the webpage.
    View Source Code Step 12 Version 5.jpg
    • You can also press to display the source code.

[Edit]on wiki

  1. Navigate to the page for which you want to view the wiki source code.
    View Source Code Step 13 Version 4.jpg
  2. Click on the “View Source” or “Edit” tab.
    View Source Code Step 14 Version 5.jpg
  3. Scroll through the source and select/copy the code you want to copy to your site.
    View Source Code Step 15 Version 5.jpg


  • While you typically can’t view the source code on a mobile browser, you can save a Safari bookmark on the iPhone or iPad to view the mobile Safari source code.


  • Be wary of downloading third-party applications that claim to display the source code of a website.

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[Edit]quick summary


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