Home Software How to Open a Safe with 3-Number or 4-Number Locks

How to Open a Safe with 3-Number or 4-Number Locks

How to Open a Safe with 3-Number or 4-Number Locks

Robert Vallelunga

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This article was co-authored by Robert Vallelunga and wikiHow Staff Writer Hannah Madden. Robert Vallelunga is a locksmith and the owner of ACME Locksmiths in the Phoenix metro area. Robert has over 15 years of experience in the industry and specializes in working with automotive ignitions, locks, keys and master key systems. Robert and the ACME team are the #1 Rated Phoenix Locksmith Service and winner of the Better Business Bureau Ethics Award. Robert is licensed as a Residential and Commercial Contractor and holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University. This article has been viewed 275,565 times.

Co-author: 13

Updated: February 28, 2023

Scene: 275,565

article summaryX

To open a safe with a 3 wheel combination, start by turning the dial to the left at the first number 3 times before stopping at that number. Once you have lined up the first number with the marker at the top of the dial, rotate the dial 2 times to the right of the second number. After crossing off the number twice, line up the number with the dial marker. From that position, rotate the dial to the left exactly once after the third number to stop on the number. With all the numbers in the matched combination, slowly turn the dial to the right until it stops and the bolt retracts. At this point, you should be able to turn the handle and open your safe. If not, you’ll have to go back and start from the beginning. For more tips, including how to open the Digital Vault, keep reading!

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