Healthcare sector has always been one of the most indispensable components of mankind. Every second counts in this area, but billing is the most frustrating step in the entire process. Therefore, many organizations try to deal with this delay in the billing process through their new tricks and techniques.
One solution that emerged is the adoption of automation in medical billing systems. The idea was to use RPA for this step. RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation. This idea of RPA is up in the air right now. Doctor. Software such as Chrono and Therapy Notes serve the purpose of automating therapy tasks.
Let us discuss automation in medical billing system. In the next section we will discuss the benefits of adopting RPA for medical billing process.
Boon of RPA in Medical Billing
One argument is clear that a machine cannot completely replace the human workforce. It would not be wrong to say this as a universal truth that every department in every field needs human contact. However, it may share functions performed by humans to some extent. Hence, for some critical operations where a lot of risk is involved, a doctor’s consultation becomes necessary. The following are some of the benefits that organizations can realize.
- Precise programming: The above mentioned software like Dr Chrono and Therapy Notes are expertly programmed with precise coding. This rules out the possibility of any error being caused.
- Suitable for front-desk operations: Most operations in a healthcare organization are repetitive and redundant. Getting involved in those tasks is nothing but a waste of time.Operations like bill generation, engagement with patients, etc. are some of the tasks that are repetitive and can be handled with software.
Similarly, other basic front desk operations can also be handled from machines to reduce wastage of time and make operations more effective.
- Promotion Capacity: As discussed in the previous points, RPA enhances the accuracy of operations as they are fully programmed with expert coders and programmers.Speaking about us humans, it is our tendency to make mistakes and learn from them. However, there is still a slight chance of inaccuracy.
To eliminate this inaccuracy, programs have been developed for smooth and effective operation.
- Faster than humans Machines are more accurate and faster than humans. Especially for repetitive operations where a normal human would easily get fed up and make mistakes, RPAs have proved to be a better option.Operations like bill generation and patient interaction are much easier and faster in RPA.
Elements that can be automated
It is common to understand that not every operation in the healthcare sector can be automated. Therefore, there are only a few basic tasks that get automated. Take a look at them.
Patient Engagement:
Appointments are the most basic thing that can be automated without any risk. All registered patients are assigned a fixed time at which they can visit.
HIPA Honors:
HIPAA (Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act) is a scheme proposed by the United States federal government to provide priority access to patient health information with patient consent.
Claims Management Automation:
Claim management automation feature takes care of all the organizing tasks like claim scheduling, incomplete or completed transactions, monitoring of claims by patients etc. If you provide freedom to the software, most parts of claim processing can be automated with a high degree of accuracy. more speed.
Revenue Cycle Management:
This process can be really hectic if done manually. The executives have to categorize various data such as patient history, drug and medicinal requirements, insurance history etc. from such a huge pile of entries. RPA, with faster processing capability, can accelerate process and efficiency by a noticeable amount.
How to automate medical billing system with RPA
We have told you almost everything about automated medical billing system. Now we will give you a brief guide to walk you through on how to automate your medical billing system with RPA.
Step 1: Registration
In the first step, the patient registers himself with the medical facility, sharing information about the details of the problem. At this stage new appointments are set and data for old appointments is automatically saved in the account.
Step2: Audit Financial Responsibility
The next step is a brief audit of the patient’s financial responsibility. This step is important because it allows the medical officer to identify the needs of the insured patient. These financial responsibility checks provide a number of essential information that is audited by the billing clerk to determine that each important point is covered by the insured plan.
Step 3: Booking
In this step, new users and registered users are separated from the group.
The users are then asked for an insurance card along with an authentic identity proof such as a driving license or passport. These proofs are then used to determine whether the co-pay has been made on the patient’s behalf. This information on co-pays is then sent to the medical coder.
The medical coder translates the code into readable information and generates a superbill.
Step4: Coding and Billing Check
In this step, the superbills are then sent to the billing software, which plays a role in checking and converting this code information into a viable bill. Yes, these bills are checked through software that determines whether the payer’s and patient’s insurance terms match.
It is important to meet the terms and conditions of the standards set by the OIG and HIPAA (Health Insurance Prospects and Accountability Act).
Step5: Communicating Claims
The claims then proceed to be dispatched. The transmission is done through electronic data interchange. As per HIPAA, all institutions are required to share or transmit bills electronically. In addition, the information must be error free and complete.
Step 6: Decision
At this stage, the claims are judged with a conclusion that can be either accepted or rejected. The claim is analyzed by the payer whether the request is genuine or not. The claim application is sent to the Billing Clerk to confirm the amount of the payment.
Step7: Patient statement
Patient statements include the history of benefits received by the patient. Thereafter a new and updated process is followed for the patient in respect of the agreed amount.
Step8: Patient’s payment
In the last step, the patient is asked to deposit the amount asked for in the bill for smooth flow of the process without any hindrance. A range of insurance providers have their own rules and regulations for bill payments, timelines, notifications, payment methods, etc.
last word
In conclusion, we can say that automation in medical billing system can definitely improve the healthcare sector. With the time taken by the manual process and the number of mistakes and corrections, adopting a machine for the same job may be a better option.
Automation in the billing system will be done with the help of RPA. To make mistakes is in human nature. A person’s efficiency decreases over time if he continues to do the same repetitive task for many days. And that’s where the machine gets the edge. The efficiency of RPA remains constant during the entire process.