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5 Ways to Make Pasta Salad

5 Ways to Make Pasta Salad

wikiHow Staff

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Co-author: 15

Updated: February 28, 2023

Scene: 63,282

article summaryX

To begin making the pasta salad, put 16 ounces of cooked and cooled pasta in a bowl. Next, dice and de-seed 1 red pepper, slice a cucumber, and cut some ham into bite-sized pieces. Add ingredients to bowl and add 1/3 to 1/2 cup Italian salad dressing. Before serving, let the salad cool and add some cheese. You can customize your salad by choosing up to 3 vegetables or proteins, such as cooked chicken breast or baked tofu, and 1/3 cup mix-ins, such as pitted olives. For alternative pasta salad recipes, including how to make Greek or Italian pasta salad, keep reading!

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