Home Digital Marketing 5 Steps to Take to Troubleshoot SEM Strategy for Small Businesses

5 Steps to Take to Troubleshoot SEM Strategy for Small Businesses

5 Steps to Take to Troubleshoot SEM Strategy for Small Businesses

The search engine optimization process often involves minor changes to a site that have a noticeable impact on its performance. We all know the essential ingredients of a web page and search engine optimization is no different. However, you can see a noticeable difference in your site’s performance by implementing changes to your website that are easy to make. So, these are the steps of a universal checklist for troubleshooting your SEM strategy.

Monitor your SEO efforts

A website that maintains stellar search engine performance is essential for higher rankings. However, SEO is not a one-time process. Therefore, a technical SEO audit is the first and foremost thing to implement on a regular basis.

Regardless of the business stage, whether you are a new project or a market veteran, you should continue to monitor and refine your SEO efforts. And you just can’t do without a good SEO spider, to help you identify weaknesses in your site, schedule audits, and fix any issues ASAP.

However, here are a couple of other things to keep in mind.

Beware of backlinks

Backlinks are vital to your site’s ranking. Managing them effectively will increase the authority of your website and increase traffic. For example, a website that ranks first in Google has 3.8 times more backlinks than a website in positions two to ten. That’s a huge difference in traffic and profit! And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Use free tools

While paid search can drive a lot of traffic, most companies don’t optimize their campaigns to get the best return on their investment. The good news is that it is still a way to get traffic. Using free tools to analyze your website’s SEO efforts can help you identify areas for improvement and prioritize them. It is crucial to know what works and what doesn’t.

Use Google Analytics or Google Search Console

Google Search Console provides insight into how your website is performing and can help you troubleshoot any issues you may be having. This tool can also help you identify non-indexed pages and broken URLs, so you can make changes to improve them. Also, it shows if your website is mobile friendly. These metrics will ensure that your website remains visible even when it is not on the first page of search results.

Monitor your site traffic growth

Another important thing to monitor when using a small business search engine marketing strategy is your site traffic growth. The number of visitors moving through your site will give you valuable insight into your customer behavior. Using the data, you can improve your marketing strategy.

The “Acquisition” tab in Google Analytics gives you a wealth of data about the people who visit your website. That piece of data includes demographic data like age, location, and gender. You can also view the different sources of traffic via the “All Traffic” tab. This tab shows the various sources of traffic to your website.

Confirm the domain authority of your site

A vital component of a successful small business search engine marketing strategy is monitoring your site’s domain authority or DA. DA is a measure of the importance of your site in the Google algorithm. The higher the DA, the more likely your site will rank well. However, it is important to remember that your competitors are also working towards high DA, so you should constantly monitor your SEO progress.

Check out these helpful tools

You can check the domain authority component using SEO PowerSuite Keyword Research Tools (Ranking keywords, keyword gap, TF-IDF Explorer, etc.). It also allows you to check the domain strength of any website, which is great if you’re looking for link building opportunities. A DS of forty to fifty is considered average, fifty to sixty is considered good, and anything above sixty is excellent. Keep in mind that your competitors’ DS will have different meanings depending on the context. A DS of 40 points can be achieved for a small business, while a large corporation site will require more work and investment to achieve a higher DS.

One of the most popular ways to determine the strength of your site’s domain is to use SEO PowerSuite. This tool allows you to get a visual representation of your website’s SEO characteristics and allows you to compare the ranking strength of different websites.

Beware of authority backlinks

In addition to ensuring that your domain authority (also domain strength) is high enough, a high DA also increases your chances of ranking well in search engine results. Domain authority fluctuates over time and is affected by a variety of factors. For example, higher authority sites can experience massive link growth and skew the scaling process. Conversely, lower authority sites may have low authority backlinks that do not contribute to your search engine rankings.

If you are looking for ways to boost your backlink profile, you can use Link Wizard. This tool allows you to discover link building opportunities that will help improve your website’s authority and therefore ranking.

Measure the success of your SEM strategy

Evaluating the success of your small business SEM strategy is crucial to making sure you’re generating the desired ROI. To determine if the strategy is working, you must identify the objectives of your website. Once you have defined these objectives, create a campaign based on these objectives. Metrics are vital in determining the effectiveness of your campaign, including cost per action, return on ad spend, and conversion rate.

Track the number of conversions

That’s the best way to determine how much money has been wasted on irrelevant keywords. Once you’ve selected which keywords drive the most traffic, you can refine your SEM campaign to focus on the most relevant ones. Some of the reasons people aren’t converting from your site include an irrelevant search query, an ineffective keyword group, or poorly written copy. You can also filter out irrelevant terms using negative keywords.

Check your keyword usage

You can use keyword research tools to discover the most profitable keywords for your business. Keyword research tools will give you a list of relevant keywords that your customers are searching for. You can use this information to outperform your competitors. You can also use Google Trends to look at the search volume for a keyword.

Evaluate the effectiveness of your paid search ads

You can track and evaluate the effectiveness of your ads and make adjustments based on the data. The results of these paid search ads will help you understand if you are on the right track or not. You can even experiment with different ads and keywords until you find the ones that work for your business.


A well-developed website will attract more visitors, both engaged and disinterested observers. A search engine optimization strategy will increase your traffic, but you need to make sure that your website is of high quality. You can also create search engine optimized landing pages. These optimizations will increase traffic to your website and increase brand awareness. In either case, you will generate more sales.


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