Home Digital Marketing 3 Ways to Remove Old Caulk – wikiHow

3 Ways to Remove Old Caulk – wikiHow

3 Ways to Remove Old Caulk – wikiHow

art fricke

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Home renovation and repair specialist

This article was written in collaboration with Art Fricke. Art Fricke is a home repair and renovation specialist and owner of Art Tile & Renovation based in Austin, Texas. With more than 10 years of experience, he is specialized in bathroom and kitchen renovations. Art takes a single contractor approach to custom renovation work, performing projects such as custom tile shower installation, tile shower leak repair, cracked tile replacement, and floor tile installation. walls. This article has been viewed 343,819 times.

Co-authors: 13

Updated: January 28, 2023

Points of view: 343,819

Article Summaryx

To remove old caulk, start by holding a utility knife parallel to the surrounding surface and cutting the caulk along the edge to weaken the bond. Next, use the blade of a putty knife to separate the caulk from the wall or tiles. Then, pick up any remaining putty with pliers or use a toothbrush to remove any small bits. Finally, clean the area with surface cleaner and a paper towel so the new caulk can adhere to the surface. For tips on how to use a heat gun to remove putty that’s especially hard or brittle, keep reading!

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