If you have a stone tiled shower, you can keep it looking like new by cleaning it properly. Use a damp, clean, soft cloth to wipe down all of the stone tiles in your shower and the grout between them. When you notice any buildup on the grout, use a mild detergent, such as dish soap, and warm water to clean it. Use a toothbrush to get into these small places and after cleaning, wash the area thoroughly. To clean the stone, mix warm water and a few drops of dish soap. Dip a cloth in the solution and use it to wipe down the tiles. If you see soap scum on your tiles, mix half a cup of ammonia with one gallon of water and apply it to the stones with a clean, soft cloth. Once the stones are clean, wash them thoroughly and pat them dry with a towel. Keep reading to learn how to remove stains from your stone tile shower!
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