Home Social Media 3 reasons social media is the ultimate marketing tool

3 reasons social media is the ultimate marketing tool

3 reasons social media is the ultimate marketing tool

By now, most businesses around the world have understood the importance of social media in their marketing campaigns. The figures speak for themselves. With over 4 billion people using social media globally, the average user moves between seven social media platforms per month, spending an average of 95 minutes per day browsing them. Facebook itself is responsible for a quarter of digital marketing spend, with Instagram a close second (78% of digital marketers used the platform in 2021 alone).

For new businesses attempting to stake their claim amid massive competition and rivals, social media is the perfect way to cut down the wall between the customer and the consumer, reaching them at the source and with engaging content. Attracting potential customers.

So what is it about social media that makes it so great when it comes to digital marketing? Here are five ways in which social media has become the ultimate marketing tool:

It’s a fast way to increase brand awareness

One of the best things about social media is that it can act as a gateway to your website. Of course, your website is where the juicy content should be. Social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook are short, snappy posts to grab people’s attention which can entice them. Believe it or not, if potential consumers stumble upon your website, it takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for them to make it. An opinion about it.

When it comes to social media, however, short and simple posts of around 40-90 characters can be enough to grab your audience’s attention. Your post should have a beginning, middle and end that can be a journey in itself, leaving the door open for the customer to learn more. As mentioned earlier, your posts are easily viewable to essentially 4 billion people, so you want to cast the net as wide as possible to entertain and engage as many people as possible. You can try to include.

Know the customer and gain loyalty

According to a recent survey, 90% of consumers say they buy from brands they follow on social media. This goes to show how important social media is to building relationships and trust between businesses and consumers. It’s not just B2C benefits. Looking at LinkedIn specifically, 72% of B2B buyers use this platform to share business information and discuss their needs, priorities and desires as a company.

Dive down and explore. Of all B2B marketing channels, 92% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to interact with these customers, demonstrating how beneficial it can be if you’re starting a B2B company. Could This is another way of providing transparency which is also integral for B2B. Customers want to know that you are listening to their viewpoints and concerns, so not only do platforms like LinkedIn help you market yourself, but it also creates a transparent baseline between you and your customer that helps you build a relationship. Will help to create and prosper in the world. long run.

Streamline your marketing plan

One of the other cool things about social media as a marketing strategy is that it allows you to streamline your marketing plan. Any company not only needs to build its customer base but also needs to monitor what they are searching for and interested in. Social media allows you to identify trends in the market, discover keywords your audience is using, and focus on creating content and products. Will match these interests.

Plus, you can get feedback and ideas from customers on how to build your own. Social media is a great way to provide customer service transparency and get information on how your company needs to improve, not to mention it’s available for all to see, which means potential customers can see it. That’s how you are to listen and help your customers’ needs.



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