Home Business How to Reach Out to a Recruiter on LinkedIn

How to Reach Out to a Recruiter on LinkedIn

How to Reach Out to a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Your guide to crafting the right message to get a response fast

When you’re looking for a new job, it can feel like you’ve been scrolling through job openings for days. Thankfully, that’s what recruiters are for! Reaching out to a recruiter is a great way to narrow down your job search and find the right position fast — but if cold messaging someone on LinkedIn sounds a little intimidating, you’re not alone. That’s why we’re here to tell you how to find recruiters on LinkedIn and what to say to make great connections and find jobs fast.

[Edit]things you should know

  • Connect with a recruiter and send them a message at the same time.
  • Introduce yourself, then briefly list your qualifications and what industry you’re in.
  • Keep your message short, and check it for spelling and grammar errors before sending.
  • Avoid spamming the recruiter with messages, but feel free to follow up after a few days if you don’t get a response.


[Edit]Is it OK to Message Recruiters on LinkedIn?

  1. Yes, it is professionally acceptable to contact a recruiter on LinkedIn. Although it may seem a bit strange at first, LinkedIn is basically a social network. This means that even if you don’t know the recruiter personally, it’s perfectly fine to send them a quick hello and ask them to connect.[1][2]
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    • Recruiters will often reach out to potential candidates through LinkedIn, even if they don’t know them personally. Think of it as saving the recruiter a step – instead of them looking for you, you are looking for them.
    • While it’s okay to message a recruiter once, avoid sending them multiple messages at once. Recruiters are busy people just like you, and they probably have a lot of messages to respond to.

[Edit]How to contact the recruiter

  1. Find a recruiter using LinkedIn Search. Most recruiters on LinkedIn will advertise that they are a recruiter, either in their job title or in their summary paragraph. You can use LinkedIn Search to search via “recruiters,” or you can specify what industry you’re looking for and find recruiters that way.
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    • Before connecting with a recruiter, check out their profile and work history to see if they’re a good match for you. If you’re in their industry or pay attention to the jobs they’re currently hiring for, you can weed out people who aren’t a good match.
  2. Click “Connect”. In order to message a recruiter, you must first connect with them. Once you’ve selected someone you want to message, tap “Connect” to begin typing.
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  3. Send a message with your connection request. Once you press “Connect”, a message box will pop up where you can type in your message. This message will not only go to their LinkedIn inbox, but will also be emailed to them.[3]
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  4. Follow him on other social platforms. For the best chance of getting a reply, search for the recruiter on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Follow them on these platforms, but don’t send any other messages just yet, as it may seem overwhelming.
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[Edit]best practices

  1. Keep your message short and sharp. Recruiters get tons of messages every day, so it’s important to be concise. Stick to 3 to 4 sentences when you send your message so they can skim it quickly.[4]
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    • Try to avoid even asking questions. If a recruiter feels heavy lifting before they respond, they may not return messages.
    • Less than 100 words is the maximum, but 50 to 75 words is ideal.[5]
  2. Introduce yourself and list some of your qualifications. In your message, start with the most relevant information: who you are and what type of job you’re looking for. This will tell the recruiter whether you might be a good fit for any of their potential job listings.[6][7]
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  3. Personalize every message you send. If your message looks like it could be mass emailed to thousands of people, it’s probably not specific enough. Be sure to modify your message for each recruiter you reach out to so it sounds personal and like a human wrote it.[8][9]
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    • This is another reason why it’s important to check a recruiter’s LinkedIn before sending a message. If you accidentally call them the wrong name or refer to the wrong industry, they are unlikely to respond to you.
  4. Avoid boasting too much about yourself. It’s one thing to list your qualifications and experience, but it’s another to talk about why you’re the ideal employee the recruiter is looking for. Keep your message brief, and only put in a few key facts about yourself—if they want to know more, they’ll either reply back or check out your profile.[10]
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  5. Scan your message for typos before sending. In the professional world, it’s not a good idea to include any mistakes in a message, especially to someone who might be helping you get a job. Before sending, go over it once over to make sure your spelling is tiptop and your grammar is up to snuff.[11]
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  6. Asking the recruiter to list all the jobs available to them. Your first instinct may be to ask the recruiter for more information, but it’s unlikely to get an answer. Instead of asking what they can do for you, tell them what you can do for them.[12]
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    • Typically, recruiters get paid based on how many positions they fill. If they think you’re a good fit for the job, they’ll do whatever they can to get you into that role.

[Edit]example message

  1. {endbold}“Hi Anne! I’m a social media expert looking to network with others in the industry. I see you’re a recruiter for Apple, a company I’d like to work for someday. My With 5 years of experience and the projects I’ve worked on, I wonder if I could be an asset to any of the teams you’re hiring for. Feel free to view my profile for more information about me ! Thank you very much.”
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  2. {endbold}“Hi Robert! My name is Jason, and I recently graduated with a master’s degree in environmental chemistry. I saw through your profile that you seem to have great contacts for people in my industry, so I wanted to ask you a question.” Wanted to get in touch. I hope all is well with you today!”
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  3. {endbold} “Hi Rick, I noticed that you are an Austin area recruiter. I wanted to reach out and discuss us potentially working together. I am a wildlife professional with over 5 years of experience, and I Looking for new opportunities in this field. I’d love to chat and see if I’m a good fit for any of your openings. Thank you!”
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  4. {endbold} “Hello Marsha, I noticed on your profile that you work with medical staffing companies here in Chicago. I am a human resources professional and I am looking to dip my toe into the medical staffing industry. May I send you my CV and maybe we can work together? Thanks for any info!”
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  1. If you don’t hear back after a few days, send another message. While you don’t want to spam a recruiter with messages all at once, it’s okay to follow up if you don’t get a response. Simply send another message a few business days later to reconnect and move your message to the top of their inbox.
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    • “Hi again, Robert! I know you’re probably full of messages right now. I just wanted to reach out again to say that my years of experience in the tech industry may make me well suited for some of the roles that You’re hiring.
  2. Nurture the relationship after getting feedback. Even if the recruiter doesn’t have a job for you right now, it’s always good to keep that relationship strong. Thank them for answering, then tell them to keep you in mind if anything comes up.
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    • “Thanks for getting back to me, Jennifer! I totally understand about you not being a good fit for me right now. I’d love to keep in touch if anything comes up.”
  3. Answer with your interest (or disinterest) about the potential jobs. If the recruiter has something for you, that’s great! Let them know early on whether or not you think this might be a good fit so they can move you forward in the application process (or look for other jobs for you).
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    • “Michael, that job sounds like a perfect fit for me! I’d love to talk more about the qualifications and application process.
    • “Thanks for getting back to me, Nicole. Unfortunately, that job doesn’t look like the right fit for me at this time, but I appreciate your reaching out.

[Edit]improve your linkedin profile

  1. Update your LinkedIn with your most relevant information. To get a better chance of an answer, check your own LinkedIn profile first. Do you have a cover photo, a profile picture, and a resume?[13] Is your profile up to date with your most recent education and work history? If not, spend some time updating your LinkedIn so that it looks professional.[14]
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    • LinkedIn allows you to be a little more liberating than with a resume or CV. Feel free to talk about your soft skills and who you are as a person outside of work as well.[15]
  2. Add CV or resume in PDF form. To save your recruiter a step, attach your resume or CV directly to your LinkedIn profile. Under “Settings”, go to “Data Privacy” > “Job Application Settings” > “Upload Resume”. Be sure to update your resume to the latest version, then attach it to your profile.[16]
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[Edit]expert interview

Thank you for reading our article! If you want to know more about LinkedIn Recruitment, check out our in-depth [v162300_b01],


  1. [v162300_b01], 2 February 2023.
  2. https://careersidekick.com/linkedin-cold-message/
  3. [v162300_b01], 2 February 2023.
  4. https://www.mtr.com.au/blog/making-contact-on-linkedin/
  5. https://careersidekick.com/linkedin-cold-message/
  6. [v162300_b01], 2 February 2023.
  7. https://www.mtr.com.au/blog/making-contact-on-linkedin/
  8. [v162300_b01], 2 February 2023.
  9. https://collegeresu.me/linkedin-cold-message-examples/
  10. https://careersidekick.com/linkedin-cold-message/
  11. https://collegeresu.me/linkedin-cold-message-examples/
  12. [v161211_b01], 24 September 2021.
  13. [v161211_b01], 24 September 2021.
  14. https://www.linkedin.com/business/sales/blog/profile-best-practices/17-steps-to-a-better-linkedin-profile-in-2017
  15. [v161390_b01], 29 April 2020.
  16. https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a510363/upload-your-resume-to-linkedin?lang=en


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