Home Computer 4 Methods to Make a Cupcake Stand

4 Methods to Make a Cupcake Stand

4 Methods to Make a Cupcake Stand

wikiHow is a “wiki”, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Twenty people, some anonymous, worked to produce this article, editing and improving it over time. This article has been viewed 101,404 times.

Co-author: 20

Updated: April 25, 2023

Scene: 101,404

article summaryX

To make a super simple cupcake stand, all you need are two plates and a martini glass. A wide-brimmed vase or any other type of glass will also work. Place a large plate or serving platter, then place a martini glass in the center. Balance a small plate on top of the glass. Arrange your cupcakes on the top plate. If you’d like, you can also place a few cupcakes on the bottom plate, around the base of the glass. To learn how to make cake dummies and cake board cupcake stands, scroll down!

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