Home Software 19 Methods to Change the World

19 Methods to Change the World

19 Methods to Change the World

Archana Ramamoorthy, MS

Co-authored by:

Chief Technology Officer, Workday

This article was co-authored by Archana Ramamoorthy, MS and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Archana Ramamoorthy is the Chief Technology Officer, North America at Workday She is a product ninja, security advocate, and on a quest to enable more inclusion in the tech industry. Archana received her BS from SRM University and MS from Duke University and has been working in product management for over 8 years. This article has been viewed 124,813 times.

Co-authors: 43

Updated: February 22, 2024

Views: 124,813

Article SummaryX

To change the world, start by making a list of issues that resonate with you, such as climate change or saving an endangered species. Then, find small ways to make a difference, like signing a petition or writing to politicians that you think will help your cause. Additionally, raise awareness by posting articles and videos on social media. Alternatively, volunteer at places like the library, church, or homeless shelter. You can also consider making a long-term commitment to service organizations such as the Peace Corps or Americorps. For more advice, including how to change the world by connecting with others through clubs and discussion groups, keep reading.

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